Thursday 13 May 2010

Brent Hillier Scamster - The True Story Behind Maverick Paintball's Failure

Interview with Mario Pugliese


Mr. Pugliese, why have you agreed to give this interview?


I want to set the record straight about Mr. Hillier and his scamming ways; how he destroyed his own business, Maverick Painball, and is now trying not to pay my daughter back her mortgage. I also read Mr Hillier's lying postings, and saw his lying video against this company and their president, who not only lent me money to try and get my daughter's mortgage back, but also gave me a FULL refund on all the fees we paid that company, even though we found out Mr. Hillier tried to defraud everybody.


Mr. Pugliese, do you have any evidence of these statements?


Yes, I have brought all the documents with me to this interview, so that I can prove the lies and the fraud that Mr. Hillier tried to do to me, to the company and to the person that he's making his lies and postings against.


Mr. Pugliese, could you give us a little background on this scam by Brent Hillier of Maverick Paintball, before you prove it with the documents?


Absolutely. I found out about Maverick Paintball, back in 2007, and I met Mr. Hillier, who convinced me that he had a profitable business, and that he wanted a partner to expand and buy a second location. He has given me all kinds of financial statements showing that Maverick Paintball was a success. In September of 2007, I agreed that my daughter would lend Brent Hillier, and Maverick Paintball $75,000, all of her savings; he would then pay her the monthly mortgage payments. We would go partners, and use that money to expand the business.

Mr. Hillier told me that all the bills were up to date, that the mortgage was paid, and that he would use this money to buy equipment to expand the business. We would need to get a $4,000,000 mortgage to pay off the mortgage on the Maverick Paintball location in Zurich, ON, and buy a second location in Kitchener, ON.

I then applied to the company that Mr. Hillier is now blaming, back in December, 2007, and I used all the documents that Mr. Hillier of Maverick Paintball gave me, which were the financial papers he convinced me were true and correct; those documents were then sent to the mortgage company to get approved for the loan. I gave that company $33,000 as deposits for legal work and administration fees.

The mortgage company checked everything out that Brent Hillier gave me and found out that it was all lies and fraud. The mortgage has not been paid in a year, he has not paid his suppliers, and has not even paid the taxes. When I asked him what he did with my daughters money, he said that he baught expensive gifts (i.e., fur coats) for his wife, Michelle, in order to keep her, as she said she would leave him if he didn't provider her all these gifts. He then told me not to worry, as the mortgage company that he is today blaming, would never figure out that the financial statements were a fraud.

Mr. Hillier has never paid my daughters mortgage payments throughout this whole process. As I was checking things out, I saw him having tournaments, with all the good paintball players, but taking home the cash, getting drunk, and continuing to buy expensive presents for his wife. I then had to call a lawyer because I knew this whole thing was a scam. At that point, not only was my daughter's money at risk, but I had paid this company that Brent Hillier is now attacking, $33,000, who also found out that Mr. Hilliers documents were fraud. As a result, they were legally entitled to keep this money, and I would be out 33 grand.


So what happened then?


My lawyer and I called the mortgage company and the owner, and told him we also found out that Mr. Hillier was a scammer and a liar. We requested that they consider returning the money, and if I was able to get the property, would they lend me enough money to pay back my daughter and take over Maverick Paintball so that myself and my son could try to make the business work, since paintball is so popular. With my connections as a former NHL hockey player, I thought I could make it work. I also now have no money to pay the lawyer to sue Brent Hillier and Maverick Paintball.

The mortgage company and the owner, not only gave me a FULL refund of the $33,000 that I paid, as I paid all the deposits, as Mr. Hillier had no money; but they also agreed to lend me $67,000 ($17,000 to pay the lawyer and the back-taxes, plus $50,000 toward, trying to purchase the Kitchener property, as my son agreed to be the manager). The mortgage company that Mr. Hiller is attacking, had paid $300,000 into my lawyers trust account, to try to make this work, and save my family's money.


Could you show us some of these documents?


Yes, here is an agreement, I signed in October, 2008, which proves that the company and the president of the company that Brent Hillier is attacking paid back the $33,000, lent me $67,000 and I confirmed, in the agreement, as you can see, that it was because of Brent Hillier and his lies and frauds that destroyed Maverick Paintball, and almost cost me losing all that money.

Brent Hillier Scam

Maverick Paintball Scam


Wow! That's all fine, but did this mortgage company, and it's president, live up to its agreement and repay your money, and really lend you this $67,000? If so, what proof do you have of that?


Absolutely, the company, and its owner, lived up to its agreement, and paid me back the $33,000, that I almost lost due to Brent Hillier's fraudulent activity against myself, my daughter and this company. Here is a letter from my lawyer which confirms that this company repaid my money, and let me an additional $67,000. You can call him to confirm, if you wish.

Brent Hillier Fraud


What are you doing now to try and get your daughter's money back?


As I said, the mortgage company has lent me the money so that I could hire a lawyer for my daughter, in order to sue Brent Hillier, and Maverick Paintball.


Have you actually done that?


Yes, I have hired a Toronto-based lawyer, and have sued Mr. Hillier, and he hasn't even made a single payment, just like he hasn't, on all other judgements against him.


Can you show us a document that you sued Brent Hillier and Maverick Paintball?


Yes, here is a copy of my lawsuit against Mr. Hillier, that I filed in October, of 2008

What has happened to the property now, and have you found out any more about Mr. Hillier's scams and frauds?

The first mortgage company on the Zurich, ON, property, which is the mortgage in front of my daughter, got judgement against Mr. Hillier, Maverick Paintball, and his wife, Michelle, who wants all the expensive gifts. As a matter of fact, I had my lawyer, just yesterday, do a judgement search to prove this, and here are the documents. They prove that not only does the mortgage company have a judgement against Brent Hillier, but so do many other people.


So where do you go from here in trying to collect your daughter's money, and is there anything else you want to tell us?


I'm just hoping and praying that when the property is sold, there is enough money for my daughter to get back her life savings, but I don't hold out much hope. The building is now empty because Brent Hillier mismanaged and squandered the money.

To all the poor paintballers who are homeless for a place to play, you should be taking your frustrations out on Mr. Hillier, and not the mortgage company nor it's president, who Mr. Hillier also tried to scam, through me.

End of Interview...

If anyone wants to find out more information, or would like to provide more information for this blog, please contact us at

Illegal lotteries

Info on Hillier's scams available here

Thank you all for your valuable information on Brent Hillier of Maverick Paintball.

Thank you all for your valuable information on Brent Hillier of Maverick Paintball and his other scams that he has committed.  We have forwarded the information on to the authorities in those jurisdictions and will be posting more information on this blog shortly.  A special thanks to Steve S. who provided us with a copy of Mr. Hillier's criminal record, which includes running the illegal gaming house.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Brent Hillier Scamster - The True Story Behind Maverick Paintball's Failure

Interview with Mario Pugliese


Mr. Pugliese, why have you agreed to give this interview?


I want to set the record straight about Mr. Hillier and his scamming ways; how he destroyed his own business, Maverick Painball, and is now trying not to pay my daughter back her mortgage. I also read Mr Hillier's lying postings, and saw his lying video against this company and their president, who not only lent me money to try and get my daughter's mortgage back, but also gave me a FULL refund on all the fees we paid that company, even though we found out Mr. Hillier tried to defraud everybody.


Mr. Pugliese, do you have any evidence of these statements?


Yes, I have brought all the documents with me to this interview, so that I can prove the lies and the fraud that Mr. Hillier tried to do to me, to the company and to the person that he's making his lies and postings against.


Mr. Pugliese, could you give us a little background on this scam by Brent Hillier of Maverick Paintball, before you prove it with the documents?


Absolutely. I found out about Maverick Paintball, back in 2007, and I met Mr. Hillier, who convinced me that he had a profitable business, and that he wanted a partner to expand and buy a second location. He has given me all kinds of financial statements showing that Maverick Paintball was a success. In September of 2007, I agreed that my daughter would lend Brent Hillier, and Maverick Paintball $75,000, all of her savings; he would then pay her the monthly mortgage payments. We would go partners, and use that money to expand the business.

Mr. Hillier told me that all the bills were up to date, that the mortgage was paid, and that he would use this money to buy equipment to expand the business. We would need to get a $4,000,000 mortgage to pay off the mortgage on the Maverick Paintball location in Zurich, ON, and buy a second location in Kitchener, ON.

I then applied to the company that Mr. Hillier is now blaming, back in December, 2007, and I used all the documents that Mr. Hillier of Maverick Paintball gave me, which were the financial papers he convinced me were true and correct; those documents were then sent to the mortgage company to get approved for the loan. I gave that company $33,000 as deposits for legal work and administration fees.

The mortgage company checked everything out that Brent Hillier gave me and found out that it was all lies and fraud. The mortgage has not been paid in a year, he has not paid his suppliers, and has not even paid the taxes. When I asked him what he did with my daughters money, he said that he baught expensive gifts (i.e., fur coats) for his wife, Michelle, in order to keep her, as she said she would leave him if he didn't provider her all these gifts. He then told me not to worry, as the mortgage company that he is today blaming, would never figure out that the financial statements were a fraud.

Mr. Hillier has never paid my daughters mortgage payments throughout this whole process. As I was checking things out, I saw him having tournaments, with all the good paintball players, but taking home the cash, getting drunk, and continuing to buy expensive presents for his wife. I then had to call a lawyer because I knew this whole thing was a scam. At that point, not only was my daughter's money at risk, but I had paid this company that Brent Hillier is now attacking, $33,000, who also found out that Mr. Hilliers documents were fraud. As a result, they were legally entitled to keep this money, and I would be out 33 grand.


So what happened then?


My lawyer and I called the mortgage company and the owner, and told him we also found out that Mr. Hillier was a scammer and a liar. We requested that they consider returning the money, and if I was able to get the property, would they lend me enough money to pay back my daughter and take over Maverick Paintball so that myself and my son could try to make the business work, since paintball is so popular. With my connections as a former NHL hockey player, I thought I could make it work. I also now have no money to pay the lawyer to sue Brent Hillier and Maverick Paintball.

The mortgage company and the owner, not only gave me a FULL refund of the $33,000 that I paid, as I paid all the deposits, as Mr. Hillier had no money; but they also agreed to lend me $67,000 ($17,000 to pay the lawyer and the back-taxes, plus $50,000 toward, trying to purchase the Kitchener property, as my son agreed to be the manager). The mortgage company that Mr. Hiller is attacking, had paid $300,000 into my lawyers trust account, to try to make this work, and save my family's money.


Could you show us some of these documents?


Yes, here is an agreement, I signed in October, 2008, which proves that the company and the president of the company that Brent Hillier is attacking paid back the $33,000, lent me $67,000 and I confirmed, in the agreement, as you can see, that it was because of Brent Hillier and his lies and frauds that destroyed Maverick Paintball, and almost cost me losing all that money.

Brent Hillier Scam

Maverick Paintball Scam


Wow! That's all fine, but did this mortgage company, and it's president, live up to its agreement and repay your money, and really lend you this $67,000? If so, what proof do you have of that?


Absolutely, the company, and its owner, lived up to its agreement, and paid me back the $33,000, that I almost lost due to Brent Hillier's fraudulent activity against myself, my daughter and this company. Here is a letter from my lawyer which confirms that this company repaid my money, and let me an additional $67,000. You can call him to confirm, if you wish.

Brent Hillier Fraud


What are you doing now to try and get your daughter's money back?


As I said, the mortgage company has lent me the money so that I could hire a lawyer for my daughter, in order to sue Brent Hillier, and Maverick Paintball.


Have you actually done that?


Yes, I have hired a Toronto-based lawyer, and have sued Mr. Hillier, and he hasn't even made a single payment, just like he hasn't, on all other judgements against him.


Can you show us a document that you sued Brent Hillier and Maverick Paintball?


Yes, here is a copy of my lawsuit against Mr. Hillier, that I filed in October, of 2008

What has happened to the property now, and have you found out any more about Mr. Hillier's scams and frauds?

The first mortgage company on the Zurich, ON, property, which is the mortgage in front of my daughter, got judgement against Mr. Hillier, Maverick Paintball, and his wife, Michelle, who wants all the expensive gifts. As a matter of fact, I had my lawyer, just yesterday, do a judgement search to prove this, and here are the documents. They prove that not only does the mortgage company have a judgement against Brent Hillier, but so do many other people.


So where do you go from here in trying to collect your daughter's money, and is there anything else you want to tell us?


I'm just hoping and praying that when the property is sold, there is enough money for my daughter to get back her life savings, but I don't hold out much hope. The building is now empty because Brent Hillier mismanaged and squandered the money.

To all the poor paintballers who are homeless for a place to play, you should be taking your frustrations out on Mr. Hillier, and not the mortgage company nor it's president, who Mr. Hillier also tried to scam, through me.

End of Interview...

If anyone wants to find out more information, or would like to provide more information for this blog, please contact us at